Happy Birthday Sweet Heart!

My little Sammy Jo is turning five today. It is so hard to believe. She is getting so big. I remember the day she was born like yesterday. And now she will be starting Kindergarten in the fall. Where does the time go?

God’s TIming

Isn’t it amazing how we can see God working all around us if we just choose to. You see I, as a mother, have been waiting for almost a year for my middle daughter to begin a speech program in our area. She had her first evaluation back in May of 2008. We were told […]

WOW! What a week

I am so sorry that it has been so long. A lot has been going on since last Friday. We were gearing up for our first Sunday at my husband’s new pastorate. I was spending time bathing the transition in prayer and getting myself ready to jump in with both feet into the hectic life […]

Kate Update

Well, we went back to the doctor this week and it was decided that we will try one more thing and if this doesn’t help then it is on to a specialist for an Upper GI. I am praying that it doesn’t get to that point. She is now on a Prevacid tablet twice a […]

Looks Who’s Getting Bigger

This weekend I decided to take a break from the more serious posts that I have been doing and post some pictures. As most who read my blog know I have a sister who is out of state serving in the military. She is a very special aunt to my children and though the miles […]

One year later…

Today Josiah had his one year check up for his tubes. It seems like forever ago that my little boy went through this surgery. It was a scary day because after he was on the sedation medication in the NICU at birth he had trouble waking up. I was VERY worried that he would have […]

Kids at the Wedding

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Here are all three kids before the wedding started. All dressed up and ready for the big event!! Aunt Meagan and Josiah – A great friend loaned us this suit for Josiah.He was so excited about the wedding!>My big girl! She was such a help this day and handled herself like a little lady! […]

What A Day

Who would have thought that we would have 70 degree weather in February!! But the kids and I took full advantage of it that is for sure. We has an invitation to go to the zoo but with the crazy busy schedule of the week before the wedding, it just didn’t work. So, I loaded […]