WOW! What a week

I am so sorry that it has been so long. A lot has been going on since last Friday. We were gearing up for our first Sunday at my husband’s new pastorate. I was spending time bathing the transition in prayer and getting myself ready to jump in with both feet into the hectic life of pastoring. I had prayed about it, I was trusting God to ready my heart, and He superseded my expectations
Ahhh, nothing compares to my experience on Sunday. I was nervous, a little sad (for the loss of my past church home), and excited all at the same time. Words do not express how overwhelmed I was at the outpouring of God’s spirit within my heart. I felt such peace all day. It was like nothing that I had felt in a long time. I felt such love through God’s people. So nice to be loved and accepted. They made us feel welcome and respected as the new leadership. This church body is so excited about what God is going to do. They welcome our leadership and yet want to help us in whatever way they can.
This week has been a full one. I have been basking in a peace that is overwhelming. I can honestly say that I have felt God’s hand on my life in the past week. He has shown me that this is where He was leading us. The moving on had a reason. Did it hurt? Immensely. Was it hard? Definitely. Did I learn things? YES! Would I change things if I could go back? We are all humans and all make mistakes and wish we could change things. But oh, My God is good. He is so very, very good. The feelings this week that have flooded my soul are wonderful. I can’t wait for Sunday. I can’t wait to be a part of what God is going to do in the life of Central Baptist Church.
He is amazing and powerful and wonderful. Can you tell through my words that I am so overcome with joy and peace this week? I hope, because I am. I have never felt more at the center of God’s will than I do now. He has made that so clear in my spirit.
Thank you for all your prayers during the past nine weeks. They have meant more to me than you will ever know.

Kate Update – For those that are interested, Kate is still doing well on her new medicine. She is now eating cereal twice a day and that seems to be helping as well. She is sleeping almost eight to nine hours a night now, with a few minor interruptions. A couple of nights she has slept like 12-13 hours with only one nursing session. She is now reaching new milestones quickly. My mamma’s heart is much relieved and overjoyed to see her comfy and smiley most of the time.

One Response to “WOW! What a week”

  1. Blessings in your new ministry. My husband has pastored our present church for about 6 months now, and we really like it.