The Dirty Girls

Girls and dirt. Dirt and girls. Do they mix? Do your girls like to get dirty or are they afraid of the dirt? Mine? Well, see for yourself…. This is a wedding cake that they were creating for the wedding that they were going to. Icing the cake The beautiful bride…… I love the fact that […]

Spring Happenings

Spring is here. We have bought strawberry plants for a new patch we are starting. We have planted flowers. We have played at the park. We have slept with the windows open. We have visited the zoo. See… We have taken walks. We have visited the farm at my mom and dad’s. (They have new […]

It’s begining to look a lot like…..

SPRING!!!! The weather has been warming up and the birds chirping, and the days are geting longer. It can only mean one thing. Spring is just around the corner HERE!! My family and I couldn’t be more excited. We love being outside and enjoying the wide open spaces and the tired faces that a day outiside […]

These are a few of my favorite things….

When Katherine cries, when she whines, when she’s feeling sad…… We simply hand her her favorite things and then things don’t seem soooo bad! Her blanket made by her Grandmada, her first baby bought by daddy and mommy for Katherine’s first Christmas, and our much loved pacis*. *The pacis have been put away and Katherine has […]

I am SAD!!

Well, it is finally true. It has been coming for awhile and I knew it but I kept wanting to tell myself that it would be awhile. But it happened yesterday. And here is photo proof….. Do you see it? huh? Do you??! Yep, that’s right. Katherine went to church sporting her first big girl […]


Maggie… I can’t believe how big you are getting. I have often looked forward to you being old enough to sew and cook along side of me.. and while I know that  you are still little, you are growing so quickly. You are a joy to have around and you are so much help. I […]

Tea Party

It has been awhile ago now, but I just could help myself from sharing these photos of my girls having a tea party together. They actually both drank hot warm tea during said party and thoroughly enjoyed it. Oh the joys of… Sisterhood!!!

The things of life….

What are the things of life? The list is endless. More specifically, what are the most important things in life? Air. Water. Health. Yes, all of these are important but today I feel compeled to list very specific things that my heart has been reminded of lately. Things that are important to me and that […]