Picture Time.

I tried to take Katherine’s pictures last Sunday morning before church. I say tried because, well, it went something like this…. The older they get the easier it is. See?


Soldier by day. Beautician by night. Mud pies to mud masks. Shhhh! Don’t tell him he will hate this when he gets older. He thought it was fun putting “mud” on his face. Plus, the mud smelled like chocolate!!

Beach fun.

While visiting Aunt Erin last month we got to visit Lake Charles, LA and play in the sand. It was a super windy day so we didn’t stay as long as we had hoped, but I got a few good pictures. Baby Kate’s sandy toes (I have one of Josiah’s in the sand in Hawaii […]

Army Life.

Even kids growing up on an army base need a park to play on. This was an amazing park that we visited several times during our visit. It had something for all ages and had pieces that I have never seen at a park before. The kids had a blast but they sure wore Aunt […]


Long Drive. Tiring. Educational. Once in a lifetime. Life changing. Unforgetable. Fort Polk. Aunt Erin. The army. We came. We saw. We crashed (just from exhaustion, not literally!). Many, many more pictures coming tomorrow!

From my Kitchen Window

People are always talking about their view from their kitchen window. It is something most women think about when looking for a new house. A great view is highly desired among the women crowd. And as I washed dishes yesterday and looked out at where my kitchen window used to be I saw this….. You […]

Donut or Doughnut?

What is the right way to spell it? Donut? or Doughnut? Well, either way you spell it Katherine LOVES them. We have dear dear elderly friends that stop by every once in while just to deliver these round delights to my children. My children are truly loved by so many people. God is good. I […]