Looks Who’s Getting Bigger

This weekend I decided to take a break from the more serious posts that I have been doing and post some pictures. As most who read my blog know I have a sister who is out of state serving in the military. She is a very special aunt to my children and though the miles have seperated her from my children for awhile now they adore her and are head over heels in love with her. So… I wanted to share some of my favorite photos with all of you and with her. So sit back and enjoy seeing how my littlest blessing has been growing and changing.

This is my oldest and my youngest. I couldn’t ask for a better big sister to my other children. Even at the age of 6 Maggie changes diapers, soothes Kate, pours drinks, turns on lights and helps in any way she can. The family unit is such a blessing from God.

Kate ate cereal for the first time this week. After all the trouble that her belly gave her at birth we were taking it slow and have now backed off all together. After several nights of crying and being uncomfortable we have quit for now and will try again in a couple of weeks.
Kate is starting to be able to sit up by herself. She still needs help from our beloved Boppy. If you are a nursing mommy you really, need to, MUST have one of these pillows. I didn’t have one with my first two children and I don’t know how I still have arms left. They have so many uses from propping, to nursing, to sitting!!
These other pictures are just some that I really liked and wanted to share. While Kate is fussy and a very “needy” baby still she is always ready to smile when someone will give her attention. Although the days are still pretty rough most of the time and the nights are often sleepless. I wouldn’t trade these for anything. The love of a mother is a miraculous thing. When you look at what babies/children put us through at times it is unbelievable that we don’t just ship them off to someone else. But that idea is just beyond considering. As the Bible says, children as a blessing and God’s design is again perfect. The parent /child relationship is a beautiful thing.

2 Responses to “Looks Who’s Getting Bigger”

  1. She is getting so big and she is beautiful. Great Job your doing. Thanks for all the encouragement our way.

  2. Those cute little chubby baby cheeks just make you want to smooch them!