Kate Update

Well, we went back to the doctor this week and it was decided that we will try one more thing and if this doesn’t help then it is on to a specialist for an Upper GI. I am praying that it doesn’t get to that point. She is now on a Prevacid tablet twice a day and Mylanta as needed. We started this on Wednesday and also decided to start rice cereal to see if it would help to thicken her stomach contents a little.

Well since we started this she slept 12 hours on Wednesday night and was only up once to nurse. Then last night she slept 12 hours with only crying out once. I didn’t even have to get her out of bed once! She is feeling so much better. You can see it in her eyes and the way that she plays and interacts with us. I am so glad.

I was becoming very concerned because she is over six months old and she was still just sleeping most of the time and when she was okay she just sat on your lap or laid around. She didn’t reach and grab at things like a normal six month old does. This was bothering me, along with the fact that she wasn’t making many vocal sounds. But that is all changing. It seems over night she has just blossomed. She is now a normal little “octopus” and is starting to coo and blow raspberries, and smile all the time.

As a mom, I couldn’t be happier to finally be able to say that my baby is comfy and full and satisfied enough to sleep through the night. What a wonderful feeling.

One Response to “Kate Update”

  1. Yay! Praise God!!
    It’s so good to hear that Kate is doing better. 12 hours! That’s awesome!
    I can imagine your mother’s heart is a little more peaceful now.