Preparing our Hearts

Have you ever thought about the sacrifice of Christmas? I mean, the sacrifice of Easter is something that we think and talk about every year. Christ died on the cross for our sins. We, in essence, sent him to that death on the cross. But what about Christmas? Have you ever thought of the huge […]

Thankful….Eternally Thankful

This year I have so much to be thankful for. Don’t all of us? The list of our blessings would be forever long. We could include everything from our food and clothing, to family and friends. Don’t forget our health and the air that we breathe. Our homes and cars, our church family and our […]

Just some random thoughts

Why are we as humans never satisfied? Why can we not find contentment in the everyday life? Have you ever just wondered why God allowed our flesh to struggle with this? I have spent a lot of time thinking about this lately.As children we always want more, want to be first, want to see what […]

A Great Read

I am starting (for the second or third time) a book titled “Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World”. I plan on posting some of my thoughts here at the end of each chapter. I am trying to read a chapter a day. We will see how that goes. Well, here are my thoughts […]

Can I get an Amen!

WOW! What a Sunday. Yesterday was just amazing. God is doing an amazing work and I am so honored that He has called Joe and I to be a part of it. To lead these people that are so hungry to be fed and so eager to follow the leadership they have been given. What […]

A New Day

I have been having trouble with getting things done, not so much for lack of time or due to fussy babies. It is for lack of discipline. It is lack of motivation. I have lost focus of why I do what I do day in and day out. I started seeing the repetitiveness of it […]


Galatians 6:7-10 7Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. 8The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. 9Let us not become weary in doing good, for […]

True Contentment…

True Contentment……. Isn’t that the way our life should be? It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. We shouldn’t be ashamed if we don’t drive the newest car or don’t wear designer clothes. Our kids can wear “hand me downs” and still feel loved. If we have the nicest “STUFF” in the world and don’t […]