True Contentment…

True Contentment…….

Isn’t that the way our life should be? It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. We shouldn’t be ashamed if we don’t drive the newest car or don’t wear designer clothes. Our kids can wear “hand me downs” and still feel loved. If we have the nicest “STUFF” in the world and don’t take the time to feed our spirit, or to train our children, or to love our neighbor, what good is it? Christ didn’t even have a home to go to every night. So why are we choosing to not be content with what He has given us. We need to strive for true contentment. When our heart is right and we are following the will of our Father we will find true contentment. I have found that, for now! It is a daily choice, an hourly choice, a moment by moment choice. I choose contentment. I desire true worship. True worship doesn’t come without true contentment. I don’t care that my children don’t always have new clothes. I don’t care that my van is getting old and has now topped 100,000 miles. I don’t care that my house isn’t the biggest and that there are things that could be updated around here. My God loves me. My children are loved and know that God loves them. My husband is following God and leading our family in His ways unashamedly. I am so blessed.

True contentment. What does it mean to you? Where do you struggle to find it. In your clothes? In your home? In your vehicle? Does the company that you keep help you to find contentment or do they leave you feeling less than content. Do you focus on what you are wearing or how your home looks when you see your friends? Or can you focus on the heart of your company and having a place that their spirit can rest and find refreshment in your company?

I would love to hear your thoughts about contentment. Where are you in your journey to find it? What struggles do you have? What sacrifices have you made to find it? Any thoughts would be great.

Leave a comment or email me if you would rather. I look forward to hearing from you all.

2 Responses to “True Contentment…”

  1. I totally agree, it has been something that I have struggled with myself, but I feel I have overcome those feelings of bigger is better. For me it has come with age and I have seen the error in my ways, but I am taking a new direction in my life.

  2. I also struggle with being content. I find that the older I get, it’s not so much with where my family or myself live, what we have or don’t have, or what we wear. Instead, I struggle with being content with myself a mom and a wife. I tend to tell myself frequently that I am not doing enough in one area or another and easily fall into the trap of thought that if I am not doing everything perfectly, it must not be good enough. As you’ve said, I’ve had to learn to make a concious choice to be content where I am at, doing what I do with what God has given me and know that as long as I am in His will, things ARE good enough. This remains a daily (sometimes moment by moment)struggle for me, but it does seem to get easier the longer I walk with Christ.