A New Day

I have been having trouble with getting things done, not so much for lack of time or due to fussy babies. It is for lack of discipline. It is lack of motivation. I have lost focus of why I do what I do day in and day out. I started seeing the repetitiveness of it all and started falling into the trap of

“What does it matter?”

“It will be here tomorrow.”

Isn’t Satan sly? He can take the very thing that we have dreamed about our whole lives, for me being a wife and stay-at-home mommy, and turn it into a chore and drudgery. This morning during my quiet time I thanked God for another beautiful day and He spoke to me and said yes, another day, another opportunity to do what matters. Another day to be productive. Every day is a gift from above. How are we going to spend it?

Lamentations 3:22-24

It is of the LORD’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him.

He has given us another day. Now what will we do with it? Will we spend it in idleness focusing on the “greener grass of other’s lives” or will we apply ourselves to the life we have been called and find joy in it. The mercies are new, the day lays before us. What will our attitude tell those around us? Will it speak of our overwhelming gratitude to God for another day to serve Him, or will it show them that Christians are always griping, always unsatisfied and always longing for what they can’t have?

How can God use your day? Can He use your time to teach children of His love. Can you touch a co-workers life with His peace and understanding? Can we sing His praise as we work where He has called us?

I pray that as we go throughout our day today, we will be mindful of the blessing that it is in and of itself. God has called His people to work for Him. Now He has given us another day to do it. Let’s do it for His honor and glory with a cheerful heart and a diligent attitude, applying ourselves fully to whatever job He has called us.

Jeremiah 31:16
Thus saith the LORD; Refrain thy voice from weeping, and thine eyes from tears: for thy work shall be rewarded, saith the LORD

2 Responses to “A New Day”

  1. Great reminder for me not to get bogged down in the drudgery of the daily grind. Thanks!