Seasons Change

Seasons Change. The seasons change every year in the same order. First Winter. And then comes the Spring. Next we enjoy the warmth of Summer. And then the coziness of Fall is upon us. Therefore we always look forward to the next season with great anticipation. The warm soil and sunshine in the cold of […]

Where’s the Man?

If you have ever looked for a book that will encourage you, challenge you, and leave you wondering how you need to change your life, you need to read “Where’s The Man?”. This book was actually written by my dad and I couldn’t be more proud of his unending effort to impact those around him […]

Serving the Lord

Colossians 3:23-24 23 Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, 24 knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ. The thought stops me in my tracks. While I have spent countless minutes dreading the daunting task of 6 loads of […]

Names of Jesus Christmas Chain

I had mentioned on the Facebook page that I was working on a Names of Jesus Christmas Chain to use during the month of December as a way to count down to Christmas Day. Each piece of the chain has a different name of Jesus on it along with a Bible reference where that name can […]

Quiet Time.

We have all seen images of a nicely laid out space with a steaming cup of coffee and a nice neat line of colored highlighters. A pretty candle and an open Bible finish off this space and tell us of the occupant’s intention. A quiet time alone with God is every believer’s desire for each […]

Praying for Godly Character

In this last week of prayer for your spouse we are going to focus on some hard hitting areas. If you are like me you will feel the need to pray these same Scriptures over your own life at the same time. Godly character is an act of constant self-discipline and it never seems to […]

Praying for Your Husband – A Godly Father

During these days we are going to focus on the fact that our husband is not “just” a husband. He is striving to be a Godly father and an individual too. He is struggling to find the balance between work and play all while pushing himself to live a courageous life against evil in the […]

Praying for Your Husband

Due to sick children and life as a mommy being my top priority in this season, I have fallen behind in our Praying for Your Husband” series. In an effort to catch up I am posting days 20 – 22 in this one post and hope to resume posting daily again now. Thank you for […]