A Great Read

I am starting (for the second or third time) a book titled “Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World”. I plan on posting some of my thoughts here at the end of each chapter. I am trying to read a chapter a day. We will see how that goes. Well, here are my thoughts on chapter one and if you are not familiar with the introduction in scripture to these two sisters you might want to read Luke 10:38-42.

Most of us can relate to one of these two sisters. We are either prone to linger and wander through life while taking the time to stop and smell the flowers or we are the type that will see the flowers and quickly make a list of all the things that we could do with the flowers and choose one and have it accomplished in no time. We are all different, and yet so similar. We are either always busy with way too many things or we are content to do very little and yet we totally throw ourselves into the few things that we commit to.

When Jesus answered Martha in her plea for help, He didn’t tell her to be like her sister. But He did tell her that Mary had chosen the “better” of the two. To work or worship? That is the choice. But to all of us “Marthas” out there who are wondering where we are going to fit one more thing into our daily routine, the answer comes from Christ, “Not more, my love.” He might even be asking less of us.

The choice is ours. The “better” part was open to both Mary and Martha but they had to choose. Which one are you choosing in your life today? As we make our choice and strife for the “better” in our life it is not always the same for everyone. Jesus loves us, whether Mary or Martha inclines or some of both, but He wants to change our hearts toward the “better.”

From later scriptures we can tell that Mary took the rebuke and learned from it. True change can only be achieved by spending time at the feet of Jesus. If our faith is going to grow and be evident to others in time of struggle or hardship we MUST learn that there is a time for work and a time for worship. “For it is impossible to be in the presence of Jesus and not be changed, (Joanna Weaver, Having a Mary heart in a Martha World pg 9).

If we are always busy for the Lord, working in the kitchen, implementing programs and ministries all in His name and yet we never spend time at His feet sitting, intimately learning from Him will we know Him in the end? Will He know us? Many times if we first listen for His leading and guidance He will make heavy loads seem light and instead of growing weary in service we will find that we are “carried” through in His loving arms.

When we choose the “better” choice all we have to do is show up. There is no special requirements, no special books required. All that is required is an open heart and spirit ready to listen and to learn. This intimacy gives us time to listen, time to share our hearts with our Father and allow Him to share our burdens so that we might absorb His spirit into us. Once we are “filled” with His spirit after this time of intimacy, we are able to set out into the dry and thirsty world that we live in and lavish them with love in service for Him.

There are my thoughts on the first chapter. This book is an incredible read and is eye opening each time I read it. I am praying that, yet again, this book will help me to change, to choose the “better” more often. I am definitely a Martha. I always want to be busy and I struggle to take the time for the “better” choice. But I am praying that I will start to create a new habit.

May God bless you as you serve Him.

One Response to “A Great Read”

  1. Melody

    You–a “Martha”–I can’t believe it! LOL! Yep, I’m definatly a Martha too.