
Today was our Vacation Bible School in the park. It was a great day weather wise and while it was still hot to be out all day it was nothing like it has been in the past month. We had a nice breeze and even some cloud cover, but God is good and no rain […]


It is a gift. How many of us have ever looked at it like that? I know for most of my life I haven’t. Prayer was something I did because that is what a “good” Christian does. But really, it is a gift. I mean, really, the God of all creation created a way for […]


Where does time go? Why does it not stop? When will life slow down? My oldest will be 8 soon! I am almost into the fifth month of this pregnancy! It is already the end of May!! My baby boy will be 4 inĀ about two weeks! My heart is heavy and my guilt is burdensome. […]

Give Thanks

Praise the LORD. Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. Psalm 106:1 I am thankful today for… my homemy church familymy childrenmy wonderful husbandthe sunshineGod’s mecries that are new each morningforgivenesspurpose in this lifeand peace that passes all understanding in a world filled with turmoil and fear. What are […]

A change in my heart and home…

Well, Joe and I have decided that we needed to change some of the ways that we were applying our Christian walk at this time. This change is not about a sciriptual mandate or about a legalistic point of view. Right now, for our family, it is about sending our children a message that we […]


My family has a television, and we have a computer but they are not the focus of our homes. My children have video games, but they are a special treat. The prescence of media in our society is indoctrinating our children. Why do children seek out boyfriends and girlfriends so young? Why do they think […]

One Million Arrows

“One Million Arrows” I just recieved this book in the mail to review. Check out the video to see many familiar faces to those of you in the blogging world. I will have a post up about the book once I have completed reading it but in the mean time, find more information about it […]

Family Worship

With this new year we have started a new routine at bedtime. Joe has always spent time with the kids before bed telling Bible stories and asking them questions about the Bible. They would learn passages together and just spend time with each other while meditating on the Word. I have wanted to be more […]