Just some Rambling Thoughts….

…on homeschooling. I have little ones, several little ones. I have four children seven and under. Two are in school and two are not. My days are very crazy. To say we have a schedule is a stretch. At times even a routine is hard to find in our home. I feel like right now I […]

The things of life….

What are the things of life? The list is endless. More specifically, what are the most important things in life? Air. Water. Health. Yes, all of these are important but today I feel compeled to list very specific things that my heart has been reminded of lately. Things that are important to me and that […]

Keeping It REAL, Here

It is cold outside where I live so I am going to say, “Grab a glass of hot chocolate and sit back for a long read.” But if you live where it is warmer, grab a glass of iced tea! I really felt burdened to share my heart. This is lengthy but I hope you will […]

Run the Earth, Watch the Sky

Marriage – It can look so different to each of us. It can function differently and can be carried out in different ways. But, marriage is an institution of GOD!!  I have truly found that one of the hardest and yet most rewarding lessons that we, as wives can learn, is to pray for our […]

Weekly Home Blessing Hour

A habit that I have begun this year is the “Weekly Home Blessing Hour”. I found this idea on the “Fly Lady” website. I took a couple of days over the Christmas break from school to “prep” the house. I got everything in order and cleaned the first time. This took the longest as I had […]

Our New Homeschooling Schedule

If you follow me on Twitter (@ourheartandhome) you know that since we started back to school on Monday I have implemented a new schedule for us. Up until now we schooled on more of a routine than a schedule. We woke when we wanted and schooled when it happened and so forth. Some days we […]

Sabbath Update

Well, last Monday if you remember I was asking the question about how you all prepared for the Sabbath and then how you also maintained order and cleanliness during the day without being busy with house work all day. Well, I took your ideas and used some that would work for our family and then […]

I need HELP!!

I have a question for you other moms. I am in need of some major help. In the past few months I have made some major efforts in my preparation for our Sabbath day. I try to have the laundry and dishes done and most of the meal prep under control. I do this to […]