My Little Secret…

There is this little secret that I have learned and it has helped me out so much in my effort to stay above the constant flood of dishes, laundry, toys, and food that goes on around here. I can’t really take credit for it, I found it here years ago. I followed her advice, received […]

The Heart of the Matter

Why are we some days so down hearted? Why are some days just so difficult? I have come to truly believe that on this road of mothering the days that are the hardest and most difficult (and probably the least productive) are the days when we are focused on self. We are all selfish, aren’t […]

A New Week

We are back from vacation and settling back into routine. What a great week that we had. A little bit of rain the first three days damped the activities in more ways than one, but we still enjoyed our time. We made memories and enjoyed time with family and friends (that might as well be […]

So long…

I have had one of those days today. You know the ones I mean. The ones where after a long season of struggle you have a day (or at least a couple of hours) that seem to go better than it has in a LONG time. I have been in a season of constant struggle […]

One last Blog Party Post

Well, last week was so much fun! I met some really nice ladies and was encouraged beyond my expectation. God can certainly use whatever medium He chooses to bless us and to speak to us. The party came at a time when I really needed encouragement and encourage it did. My mind is refreshed, my […]

Blog Party – Keeper at Home

When I think about “keeping the home” I think of many different aspects of it. Some of us are full time keepers and some are not. Some of many children with which to train and some have few. God calls each of us differently, but the call still exists. When we keep something we don’t […]