Blog Party – Keeper at Home

When I think about “keeping the home” I think of many different aspects of it. Some of us are full time keepers and some are not. Some of many children with which to train and some have few. God calls each of us differently, but the call still exists. When we keep something we don’t just let it sit there and disintegrate. We watch it, guard it, care for it, protect it, and love it. That is how I few keeping my home.

I strive to not look at cleaning as just a chore, but as a way to protect my family from illness. Doing the laundry becomes more pleasant when viewed as a way to care for my family and to protect them rather than just “another job”. Training, teaching, and disciplining become more important when we see that these are ways to love and care for our children. When we view a television program or a movie through eyes that guard our home, would we watch them? When we keep a home, we must be busy and active to care for every aspect of it. It is not just the physical but also the mental, the spiritual, and the social.

While our husbands should be the spiritual leaders of the home while they are away from the home during most of the daytime hours it falls to us to follow through and reinforce their teachings through out the day. We must take advantage of teachable moments and use them to again, keep our home.

So, let’s strive to focus on our love for our family and Savior and His wonderful design of family. Let’s look at cleaning and laundry and dishes and cooking with eyes of love and protection. As we KEEP OUR HOMES for the honor and glory of our Lord. And then it will be true of us and our children ……….

27 She watches over the affairs of her household
and does not eat the bread of idleness.
28 Her children arise and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her:
Proverbs 31:27-28

2 Responses to “Blog Party – Keeper at Home”

  1. Melody

    I needed this little reminder. I have to give my house a good scrubbing this weekend and was just thinking about what a chore it is going to be. I think God may be trying to tell me something!