Sabbath Update

Well, last Monday if you remember I was asking the question about how you all prepared for the Sabbath and then how you also maintained order and cleanliness during the day without being busy with house work all day. Well, I took your ideas and used some that would work for our family and then used some of them as eye openers to really how much of the mess needed to be created. So, yesterday I approached our Sabbath in a little bit of a different way. I had the children’s (the older girls did their own) clothes laid out before bed. This helped in two ways. There was no last minute hunt for tights or shoes or ties. But it also helped in that I had told the girls that what they laid out they MUST wear. No changing was allowed. So, there were no clean clothes on the floor and later added to the hamper. This helped the morning run much smoother.

In the afternoon, I had all of the children put everything that we would need for evening service by the front door for easy access. Then we had a simple crock pot lunch and I had cleaned out the dishwasher so all dishes went straight into there and it was started. So, by 2pm we were all resting and the house was still clean. I looked around with much pleasure and anticipation about the evening. But with everything that we needed by the front door getting ready for evening service was a breeze. Everyone found everything they needed and we were out the door with nary a hitch.

Then we went to service, worshiped again and got home around 8pm. No one had eaten dinner yet. The children had had a snack prior to worship but were hungry again surprise, surprise! So, I cooked up a quick bite to eat and we all enjoyed dinner and a movie**. I didn’t get the dishes washed last night but with a small pile of dishes by the sink and the rest of the house still in order I feel like my efforts were a success.

Thank you all for your ideas and feedback. They helped me to see some things that I hadn’t seen before. It made my day much easier and has even effected the start of my week. May God bless you all this week as you serve Him and your families.

** We watched Charlotte’s Web last night with our children. We got it for $5 at Wal-Mart. I had watched the movie plenty of times growing up but my children had never seen it. I had forgotten what a great movie it was and how many lessons that we can learn from that movie. It was a great movie for our family night and if you have never seen it or watched it with your children I would highly recommend it.

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