Just some Rambling Thoughts….

…on homeschooling.

I have little ones, several little ones. I have four children seven and under. Two are in school and two are not. My days are very crazy. To say we have a schedule is a stretch. At times even a routine is hard to find in our home. I feel like right now I have to focus on the needs of my children. Some days when baby Kate needs rocking and holding we cuddle on the couch and read a bunch that day so that baby Kate gets her snuggle time and the older ones get school. On other days when we are running errands or I am playing catch up on the laundry, the conversation in our living room will be spelling words and math facts. This is working for us.

Do I dream of a day when I can set a wake up time and a school start time? YES!!! I know that one day that will come to my house. Or if it doesn’t a schedule that works for us will be implemented. But right now, while I have children that don’t sleep through the night thus waking mommy sometimes several times a night, this is working for us.

I get up in the morning when Daddy does, get him ready and out the door. Then I get myself ready and the girls up. Some mornings we start right away and we are done in the mid morning with school. Other mornings, when baby has been up repeatedly or the house needs some tidying, we will start a little later. The girls will help me clean up so that we can work in an orderly home. This is working for us.

I use to read other families blogs and schedules and desire them in my home. But God has been showing me that I must do what works for my family. And this is working. We are enjoying school now more than ever. My girls are blossoming in many ways. They are dusting, sweeping, unloading the dishwasher, cooking simple meals and desserts, and reading and adding with proficiency. And our house is full of love and peace most of the time.

I have found this year that a schedule isn’t about fitting your children into some perfect list of to-do things to be checked off. To be a successful homeschooling family schooling has to work for you or it isn’t productive. If you are forcing your children into a schedule that they aren’t ready for, they won’t learn as well and they will come to associate frustration with schooling. But, if you focus on how they learn and think outside the box to meet their educational needs, you will find, at least I have, that they will flourish. And even without a picture perfect, set in stone, runs like clock schedule your family will be the most content and happy with whatever works for them.

And this is what works for us!

Join the homeschooling schedule discussion over at Raising Arrows this week.

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