Creating a Quiet Home

Doors slam. A child screams. Mom yells to a child three rooms away. The phone rings. The computer dings. And each and every voice escalates to be heard over the other. And louder and louder the house becomes. But how would one create a quiet home with so many people in one house? As you […]

Reconsidering Modern Medicine

So this post has been growing for just about a year now. After spending a lot of time changing our diet to one of almost all natural, home cooked, simple meals I started reconsidering modern medicine. If I was trying to rid our diet of all of those lovely ingredients found on the backs of […]


Have you hear of this household wonder? For years forgotten but making a comeback in these past years. Do you know what all Borax can be used for? Well, I am sure I am just scratching the surface but today I will share with you my favorite uses for Borax in my home. 1. Dishwasher […]

Homemade Powder Laundry Soap

Are you tired of buying chemical laden soaps that you don’t even know what is in them? Paying a lot of money for heavily scented products that it is hard to tell if they clean or just scent your clothing? Well, in an effort to try to rid my home of commercially made cleaners I […]

Cookie Decorating

It is Christmas time and that means cookie baking around this house. We bake lots and lots of goodies during the holidays and it is a family affair. It is one of my favorite ways to homeschool around the holidays. Baking and gift making are great ways to teach art concepts and life skills. But […]

Child Sized Tools-For Small Hands Review/Giveaway

For Small Hands is a great company for any family that desires to instill a love of helping into their children. They offer child sized tools that are just as usable and practical as those sold for mom or dad but in a size that makes them manageable for “small hands”. Taking advantage of the “I […]

Chicken! Fresh Chicken!

Zaycon Foods has won me over and wow’ed me with their products! The chicken that I received from them was fresh chicken! I have never seen boneless skinless chicken breasts this big and this trim. And because Zaycon chicken comes fresh and never frozen I was able to divide the chicken up into packages that work […]

Homemade Powder Laundry Soap

If you are looking for a quick and easy way to save money and also clean your home in a more natural and safe way here is one way you can do that. This recipe takes only about 10 minutes to do and it makes enough to last my family almost 2 months. The ingredients […]