Can You Feel the Love Tonight….or morning, or afternoon

…..or whatever time of day I happen to hit publish on this post. Unfortunatley despite all my best efforts to keep us well this winter, for my sanity and for Jeremiah’s sake illness has found us anyway. It seems to be a short lived 12 hour stomach bug this time and has only effected two […]

My Girls

Sorry about that. Blogger doesn’t seem to like the video. Maybe it’s too long. I will try to reecord them saying them tomorrow and upload that video. So check back soon!) Maggie and Samantha had a challenge from their dad to learn the books of the Bible (all 66 of them). He gave them until […]

The Muny

I had the awesome opportunity to take my older girls to see the “Sound of Music” at the Muny. The Muny is an outdoor theatre in our area. It is one of a kind and is known for its wide array of shows each summer season. We got tickets through our local homeschool group and […]

Very late birthday

Maggie turned eight on July 3rd. I know I am late but here is her birthday post. Oh, my dear oldest. How time has flown by. It has been eight years since you came into our lives and we have never been the same since. You have so much determination and when things don’t go […]