My Girls

Sorry about that. Blogger doesn’t seem to like the video. Maybe it’s too long. I will try to reecord them saying them tomorrow and upload that video. So check back soon!)
Maggie and Samantha had a challenge from their dad to learn the books of the Bible (all 66 of them). He gave them until Christmas to do it and they actually finished a week early! They were rewarded with $10 a piece for all their hard work. I am so impressed by their dedication and determination with this. I would find them sitting in the corner of their room studying together or quizzing each other in the car. They worked hard at it and I wanted to show them off.
(The video also includes a few carols they sang on Christmas morning for their grandparents and aunt so it is a little long but the books of the Bible are first.)

Don’t you just love how excited Josiah was to sing that morning? He cracks me up that boy!! Don’t let him fool you. He loves to sing and to be the center of attention.

One Response to “My Girls”

  1. ummm…where’s the video??? I know I already saw it, but I wanted to laugh at Josiah all over again!!! He was just so super excited!