The Muny

I had the awesome opportunity to take my older girls to see the “Sound of Music” at the Muny. The Muny is an outdoor theatre in our area. It is one of a kind and is known for its wide array of shows each summer season. We got tickets through our local homeschool group and they included a backstage tour before the show!
Waiting for our tour
On the stage
Everything at the Muny is “copywrited” and so no pictures were allowed through most of the tour. But we were able to see how they do scene changes, prepare props, store costumes, and do dress changes during the show.
Eating our picnic
After the tour was over they had reserved a picnic area for our group and we were able to eat dinner before the show. This was the girls’ first time to attend a live performance of any kind and they were totally in awe of the whole experience. We got up and walked around to view the stage from different angles because they had a hard time understanding that the people weren’t on a screen! It was pretty cute and so much fun to be able to be there with them as they explored yet another part of life. And it was an added blessing to be able to take along both of my sisters to the event as well.
These are the moments that I will never forget as a mother.

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