The View from Here….

My view from here this past week was a little sad. Look at how the humidifier made his hair curl!! Pedi a lite popsicles. So sad!! Runny noses. Cutest sick baby I’ve seen in a long time!! And sick little boys with 102-103 degree fever. Just a little side note, if you need a humidifier […]

Jammie Drill

While reading one of my favorite blogs ( Raising Olives ) around Christmas time I heard her mention their family tradition of “Jammie Drills“. So, one evening after dinner, we decided to throw our own Jammie Drill. Samantha dressed and ready to go So we dressed the kids in warm jammies. Children and their “friends” […]


My baby boy is getting so big!! He is starting to walk now. He is signing more and more words. He plays with toys like he sees his siblings do. And I can see him soaking up his surrondings and learning new things everyday. But He will always be “my little boy”. And my little […]

Creating Peace.

Is your house filled with yelling children, loud talk, spiteful words, and hasty action. Does choas reign within your walls and make you want to hide in the bathroom? I am on a journey to create peace within my home. I want my home to be a relaxing place for people to come. Not place […]

A Date

A last minute “adjustment” from her big sister. Samantha had been saving her money for a “date” with Daddy. She was taking him out for his birthday. We curled, and dressed, and primped for this special occasion. She was so excited! And while I helped my little girl get ready for her big day I […]

Yes Mom.

I have been trying to, this past year, be more of a “yes” mom. I have been trying to say “no” only to things that really aren’t a good idea. If something makes a mess, we will clean it up. If something takes some time, I will make it. So the other day, I had […]

A change in my heart and home…

Well, Joe and I have decided that we needed to change some of the ways that we were applying our Christian walk at this time. This change is not about a sciriptual mandate or about a legalistic point of view. Right now, for our family, it is about sending our children a message that we […]


My family has a television, and we have a computer but they are not the focus of our homes. My children have video games, but they are a special treat. The prescence of media in our society is indoctrinating our children. Why do children seek out boyfriends and girlfriends so young? Why do they think […]