Jammie Drill

While reading one of my favorite blogs ( Raising Olives ) around Christmas time I heard her mention their family tradition of “Jammie Drills“. So, one evening after dinner, we decided to throw our own Jammie Drill.

Samantha dressed and ready to go
So we dressed the kids in warm jammies.
Children and their “friends”
Grabbed blankets, snacks, and “friends” (stuffed animals).
Little “J” munching a snack
And then we headed out. We drove around town looking at lights,
Anything can be special, even a .69 cent slushie!
enjoying special treats, and singing Christmas carols.
Back home from making lifetime memories
It was one of the children’s favorite activities this Christmas and one they are already asking to do again.
Do you have any favorite family traditions? What is your favorite activity to do with your loved ones?

2 Responses to “Jammie Drill”

  1. I love this! We used to do this when we were kids. I completely forgot about it. We stopped after my parents separated.
    We’re going to have to do this with the girls!