At least it wasn’t water!!

You know those super fun punching bags that you fill with water at the bottom and when you hit it, it falls down and then bounces back up? Well Josiah got one for Christmas and he loved it! But it shortly got a hole in the “water” compartment and so I decided to fill the […]


Today my heart is heavy and my mind is consumed with mothers. I have heard of several new mother’s that are dealing with sick newborns. Nothing prepares you for that. We as a society don’t like to think about it, talk about it, or to even try to realize that we are not all blessed […]

Mother’s Day 2011

So, I got my new camera. On this Mother’s Day weekend 2011. And I am LOVING it. We had an amzing, busy, family filled weekend. I couldn’t have asked for a better Mother’s Day. I am truly blessed. Our family ties are strong and that is not something I take for granted. It is in […]

Keeping it Real.

Short and sweet. I’m fighting allergies. Have been for almost two weeks now and it is getting old. My baby has been up at least once a night, sometimes for two hours, every night since Thursday. I am tired. My body is tired. My mind is tired. My spirit is tired. All you momma know […]


I have learned that successful motherhood isn’t measured by… a spotless sink, freshly mopped floors, sparkling windows, or a spotless house. Successful motherhood is more about…. open arms for countless hugs, unlimited kisses to make boo boos better, a lap that is open to hold and to snuggle, arms outstretched to pick you up when […]

Baby Wearing

Baby wearing. It’s how I get things done. If you ever see me at the store in the next oh, year and a half or so you will see me sporting this teal piece of fabric tied in various ways with a baby somewhere in between. You see, I wear my babies all the time. […]

Have you ever thought?

Have you ever thought about who follows you? Or how they watch you when you are not watching? We as mother’s are watched all the time. Our children see what we do and they know us better than anyone else most of the time. They see us not only at our best but also at […]

Do the math.

While talking with a friend of mine the other day a comment was made about how quickly things add up in a large family. With the birth of each new child I have had to learn to think and “manage” more like a large family. At least in my experience, in a large family organization […]