Do the math.

While talking with a friend of mine the other day a comment was made about how quickly things add up in a large family. With the birth of each new child I have had to learn to think and “manage” more like a large family. At least in my experience, in a large family organization and management is key. Momma must be diligent and hard working to train her “helpers” as to make her work load more managable. But she must also lead by example. If we tell our children to do their chores willingly and cheerfully when they are asked to, we as mommas must also be willing to do our work willingly and cheerfuly when it is needed and not put it off by passing the hours with pointless activities. This managment and organization and sharing of the work load becomes more and more needed as a family grows.

And here are some of the reasons.

If everyone leaves out just 5 things there are 35 things crowding my living room.

If we all come in and leave our shoes by the door there would be 14 shoes to step over when you entered my home.

If we leave the dishes from just one meal sit on the counter after having dinner, using only plated, forks, and cups, 18 dishes plus pots and pans would be left sitting on my counter.

We own seven carseats right now and each of our vans has three-four carseats in it at a time, depending on where Jeremiah’s base is at that time.

If everyone takes a bath/shower that leaves me with seven washclothes, nine towels, and a hamper full of dirty laundry.

My family can fill a “normal” size hamper in one day.

So you see, if I don’t keep up and manage the numbers and mess, things add up quickly. Can you imagine if I left the dishes sit all day! After dinner I would have in excess of 55 dishes to wash!!!! No thank you!

Please, dear mommas be encouraged to keep up and be hard working and diligent. It is the best example for our children and it is God-honoring as well. While it is so very very important to take time to snuggle and read to our children and to play with them, we must do all things in moderation. And we must’nt let “play” push off our work. For then how will we train our children to do their chores before they can play?

Ever thought about the math in your house? How do you manage the numbers and mess? Any tips for other mommas?

One Response to “Do the math.”

  1. Great encouragement at the end… and your numbers are amazing!! You are a busy lady! (I mean, could a dumber sentence have ever been uttered? Really.. da!)
