
My baby’s first birthday is almost here. It was a day that we had looked forward to as a family for months. We had prayed for a healthy baby boy. We readied the room, we packed the bag, and then we waited for the day to come. We waited in faith, knowing that whatevered happened […]

Oh Oh!!!

Look at the little boy sitting on the floor, What oh what has he found behind the door! He wants to taste just a little more! Now Mommy has an extra chore!!


He has now been alive as long as I was pregnant with him. Nine months. So much time but it passes so quickly. He is a bundle of joy. He is crawling and eating table food. He is a chubby, chunky, rolly-polly little boy. Who had two teeth on his nine month birthday, when these […]

Oh brother!!

Oh the love that these two share. She never minds holding him. No matter what she is doing, she loves to have him by her side. Whether eating, playing, reading, playing the piano and even doing her school work she loves to include him. But at only 9 she sometimes doesn’t realize how fast a […]


My how time flies. I’m already a week late with this post. Our “little” Jeremiah turned 8 months last week and its time for another milestone post. Here is what he is up to this month – Now has two teeth. Is almost mobile. Between scooting and reaching and twisting he gets what he wants […]

7 months.

Jeremiah. Sweet and smiley. Content and calm. Chubby and chuncky. Lover of breastmilk and momma. And not of solid food. Sitting and starting to babble. Jeremiah this month you … weigh about 21 pounds Sleep through the night most of the time Still won’t eat baby food without gagging Are sitting very well and are […]


My baby is already sleeping un swaddled. Where has the time gone? He is trying out baby food. Where has the time gone? He is sitting up all by himself. Where has the time gone? I’ve always heard that time flies when you are having fun. Well, I’m living my life long dream of being […]


Four years apart. But so very very close. A bond for a lifetime. And love to span the years.