
He has now been alive as long as I was pregnant with him. Nine months. So much time but it passes so quickly.
He is a bundle of joy. He is crawling and eating table food.
He is a chubby, chunky, rolly-polly little boy.
Who had two teeth on his nine month birthday, when these pictures were taken, but now has three.
He’s my cloth diaper wearing, momma lovin’ little man!
I love you so much! You are army crawling all over the place now. You love your walker and being outside. You are eating better now but still only a little bit here and there. Your main source of food is still momma and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I love our nursing times together. We are working on you putting yourself to sleep in your own bed. Sometimes it works well and other times you just want momma to rock you. And I am totally ok with that. You love your siblings and they can make you laugh and laugh. I can see a special bond forming between you and Josiah and it melts my heart. You are such a good baby and I am proud to be your mommy. I thank God that He choose us to add you to our family.

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