Indoor Fun

I first wrote this post for Beth over at Happily Domestic. And while these ideas are great “rainy day” fun they also work while stuck inside avoiding the heat. I have several friends that are expecting or just had a new baby so outside time in the heat isn’t a good thing. So, here are […]


It was a busy weekend. And I fit in lots of photo taking time. I’m still learning and loving my new camera. We played with precision. We had a birthday and swam like fishes for hours. We tied and climbed. We picniced and laughed. We wore ourselves plum out!! It was a blast!

Lions and tigers and family too!

This past zoo trip (the end of May) was not only a great family day but also a GREAT opportunity for me to “play” with my new camera. I got some great shots and had a blast doing it. I am loving this thing. I am so glad that I waited and saved and saved […]

Have you Heard?

I love this song . I  have been listening to it for a couple of years now. But just recently, when feeling a little “down” about Jeremiah’s birth and following NICU stay I heard a line for the first time so to speak. Yes, being “down” feeling cheated, and otherwise throwing myself a pity party […]

Just some sentences.

Its been a long week. Most of my children have been sick at least some portion of this week. Katherine has croup and strep throat. Both. Ouch. With every cough she would cry. With every cough she would wake up. That resulted in waking up momma every 30min-an hour this week. She’s on antibiotics, breathing […]

Where Have You Been?

So, you have been wondering where I have been? Oh you weren’t? Oh well. I have been missing my blogging friends lately. Not only because of my lack of posting but also because of “Blogger’s” trouble with blocking comments. But anyway, I have been missing you all. But the biggest reason for my abscence is […]


It has been a long time since we have had much family time. But this weekend we caught up a little. We went to the zoo!! Some of my family tagged along too and we had a great time. It was beautiful weather.   Our group. (Minus myself and Jeremiah who spent most of […]


Life is busy. Life is good. Life is hard. But all along the way God is with us. This week has been a hard one. A tiring one and one that makes you pray to God for the energy and love to take the next step. Thank you my dear blog readers for hanging in […]