Spring Happenings

Spring is here. We have bought strawberry plants for a new patch we are starting. We have planted flowers. We have played at the park. We have slept with the windows open. We have visited the zoo. See… We have taken walks. We have visited the farm at my mom and dad’s. (They have new […]

It’s begining to look a lot like…..

SPRING!!!! The weather has been warming up and the birds chirping, and the days are geting longer. It can only mean one thing. Spring is just around the corner HERE!! My family and I couldn’t be more excited. We love being outside and enjoying the wide open spaces and the tired faces that a day outiside […]

Guest Post

Do you have a grocery budget? Are you always looking for ways to cut it? Well, I wrote a guest post about our grocery budget and how I feed our family of six on $300 a month. Want to read it? Head on over to Mama Notes to see what I said. Then check back […]


My family has a television, and we have a computer but they are not the focus of our homes. My children have video games, but they are a special treat. The prescence of media in our society is indoctrinating our children. Why do children seek out boyfriends and girlfriends so young? Why do they think […]

Weekend Plans?

It’s the weekend. Super Bowl weekend, though at my house it isn’t a big deal. No real football fans here! But with views like this out my window we are staying home. Any plans we had canceled. BUMMER! What is the view outside your window today? Do you have plans that you will be able […]

One Million Arrows

“One Million Arrows” I just recieved this book in the mail to review. Check out the video to see many familiar faces to those of you in the blogging world. I will have a post up about the book once I have completed reading it but in the mean time, find more information about it […]

The Last but not the Least

Hopefully he will feel special because he gets his own post! This is our “little man” as Daddy calls him. Check out the previous posts from today to see more photos from this session.

My Girls

Here are the older girls. I can’t believe how time flies. Maggie is seven and Sammy is 5. They look so grown up in these pictures and yet these photos truly show a glimps of their individuality. I love them! Look at the previous post for even more family photos from this session.