Spring Sibling Photo Session

This spring sibling photo session was a ton of fun and I couldn’t be happier with the results. Beautiful weather. Beautiful children. And lots of fun. Yes, these are my children. They are growing so quickly that I can’t believe it. It seems to happen before my eyes each and every day. I am so […]

What’s in the Bible DVD set

Have you ever longed to be able to sit down in front of a movie with your children and not feel guilty for what they were seeing or hearing? Once my children out grew the Veggie Tales movies my husband and I struggled to find something comparable for our older children. And then we found […]

A Mom Friendly Diet

This giveaway is now closed. Marie won the e-book with comment #2. I was recently introduced to the Trim Healthy Mama way of thinking about food. I have read most of the 650 page e-book that I was given to review and I have found a new mom friendly diet. This lifestyle is not so […]

Arkansas Tornadoes

Just a few short weeks ago the town that my sister lives in was hit by a massive tornado. Her entire town of Mayflower, Arkansas was affected and left grasping for any reminder of life as they knew it prior to the horrific events of that Sunday night. People lost loved ones, homes were flattened and […]

Homemade Breakfast Pizza

This homemade breakfast pizza is easy to make up on a weekend morning or make a double batch and freeze it for those busy weekday mornings! It had enough protein to keep you moving all morning and lots of flavor to leave you satisfied. Eggs, meat, cheese, and gravy all work together to make this […]

Amber Teething Necklace

As a mother of 6 I have never before used an amber teething necklace but when Elizabeth started teething and my happy, content baby disappeared I went searching for some relief for her. When I found these necklaces I must admit that I was very skeptical, but I was also a sleep deprived, desperate mamma. I […]

Saving Money at the Grocery Store

If saving money at the grocery store is one of your biggest goals as a wife and mother this post is for you. The cost of things just keeps rising and if you are raising kids their appetites just keep growing. Whether you are a small family, a large family, or somewhere in between everyone […]

Quality Pencil Sharpeners

If you are a classroom teacher or a student or a homeschool mom you know how hard it is to find quality pencil sharpeners. I buy a new one at least every year and after a few months it stops sharpening and starts just eating pencils. But that cycle stops now for me and it […]