Arkansas Tornadoes

Just a few short weeks ago the town that my sister lives in was hit by a massive tornado. Her entire town of Mayflower, Arkansas was affected and left grasping for any reminder of life as they knew it prior to the horrific events of that Sunday night. People lost loved ones, homes were flattened and when the Arkansas tornadoes moved on it left a town without much hope.

arkansas tornadoes
Donations piling up

My sister and brother in law are actively involved in ministry in their town. They are always helping the poorest of the poor and the helpless children growing up in the grips of poverty. And after the storm was no different. There was a need in the days following the storm and they sprang into action to help in any way they could.

arkansas tornadoes
Homemade goodies. Made with prayer and love for hurting victims
arkansas tornadoes
handwritten messages of love

That first week or so no one was handing out breakfast or coffee so that is where we focused our efforts on. I may be 7 hours away but I called on my church and my community to help fill this need and within the first 72 hours after the storm a whole load of breakfast items were in Erin’s hands so that they could drive around and hand them out the victims.

Vehicle loaded down with donations and tools to help the hurting
Vehicle loaded down with donations and tools to help the hurting

We collected over 200 items from here in my area and they touched countless lives. My children wrote messages of prayer and love onto each Ziploc bag that was then filled with homemade goodies and finally made its way into the hands of hurting victims. And while the world has all but forgotten the devastation that these Arkansas tornadoes left behind, her town has not.

Being Jesus' hands to the hurting.
Being Jesus’ hands to the hurting.

They are still cleaning up. Still grieving their lost loved ones and still caring for the injured. Please pray for this community. That they may see the love of Christ and the hope that is found in Him during what may very well be the biggest tragedy of their lives.

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