Homeschool 101 – Homeschooling with Little Ones

how to homeschool with little ones

One of the questions that I get the most in regards to homeschooling is how do you homeschool with so many little ones around. This year I have 4 in school, a preschooler, a toddler, and a newborn.  Well meaning people wonder about how well the older children can concentrate and learn with the noise of toddlers and the crying of an infant in the background. Homeschooling with little ones around does have its challenges but I truly believe that the skills that the older children learn while schooling with the younger siblings around are invaluable.

One of those skills is self-discipline. It is a skill that is sorely lacking in our society today but one that we all need to life a productive life. Without self-discipline children party in college instead of study, they eat so many cookies they get a stomach ache, or they never learn how to do anything that takes time and work because it is too “hard”. A child with self-discipline can study through the noise of younger siblings playing or a baby crying. They can walk away from their school to lend a helping hand to a preschooler who is struggling with her letters and still know that they must come back to their work when they are done. They can focus and be productive even when there is chaos around them and that skill will help them in the work place, home, and even in worship.

homeschooling with little one
Helping is just a way of life in our family

But the self-discipline goes two ways in our home. Not only do the older ones need the self-discipline to stay on task and work with the noise but we expect our little guys to be quiet and respectful of school time. We use our blanket training and busy bags (lots more posts with instructions on these coming soon!) and lots and lots of reminders. It is not a popular skill today but the art of children being quiet can still be taught.

Here is a list of some of the things that I use to occupy my little guys during school time –

* Playing Beans – Give your preschooler a pan with dry beans and some scoops and spoons and cups and watch the fun begin!

* Playdough

* Dollar Store work books

* Cutting and Pasting – I keep most every scrap of paper or printing mess up. No stress letting the preschool use lots of paper if it isn’t any good any more anyway.

homeschooling with little ones
Working on school. Look at the concentration even though there were others around

With plenty of activities to occupy them and simple reminders from momma even our smallest toddlers learn quickly to be quiet. It is really amazing how quickly children can learn and how often we, as parents, underestimate their ability to have self-control.

Another blessing of homeschooling with little ones around is that my older ones learn quickly the art of teaching others with patience. Some days it is Maggie (11) explaining multiplication to Samantha (9) or maybe Samantha showing Katherine (4) which pictures rhyme on her worksheet, and this year I am seeing Josiah starting teach others as well. Here he is teaching Katherine how to form her letters. They begin to see very early on that younger children don’t learn after the first lesson and sometimes you have to say the same thing over and over again. Developing the art of teaching others with patience can never happen too early in life.

Beyond self-control and teaching others with patience, I love the deep love for siblings that my children gain from homeschooling with little ones around. They see the needs of others and they develop an empathy for siblings that get hurt or are sad. They find joy in celebrating each other’s accomplishments and they learn to have empathy for a struggling sibling. I love to watch them find ways to show love to each other in their own ways. Families that are separated all day long have children that are as close to their siblings as they are their classmates or maybe even less. Those childhood friends will come and go but siblings will be with you for the rest of your life. I want my children to learn to lean on each other in times of need and to rejoice with each other in the good times.

homeschooling with little ones
Working on a beading project together, in peace, and just because they want to. Ages 11, 9, and 4 all working together!

Homeschooling with little ones around does create chaos and noise, but I have come to believe that the benefits out way the inconveniences that it brings. With a little creativity and patience children of all ages can learn and grow and function together in the same “classroom” with results that will last a life time.

Come back tomorrow for even more Homeschooling 101!!

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