Learning Ideas for Preschoolers

Do you have a very busy preschooler in your home?

Well, all of the older children are busy again with school and the little ones are left with no one to help occupy them but momma. So what’s a momma to do with all these little ones while there is laundry to fold and dishes to wash? Here are a few of my most loved ideas!

Shaving Cream – Buy the cheap shaving cream and spray a pile of it in front of your child. You may have to “help” them at first. But within just a bit they will be drawing and smearing and laughing.

Playing Beans – At our house we love to use dried beans as a manipulative. I fill a cookie sheet or baking pan with dried beans and give the children bowls, spoons, measuring cups, ladels, funnels, etc to pour, scoop, and move as they please. They even love to use their toys cars and action figures in the beans.

Parachute – I finally broke down and bought a parachute from Oriental Trading for the children for Christmas a few years ago but before that we just used a sheet or blanket. My children love to bounce balls all over the place on a sheet. We have also had fun giving babies and bears lots of “rides” on our parachute.

Busy Bags – There are ideas all over the internet for preschool busy bags. A quick search of Pinterest will show you many. I have made a couple of these and have plans to make many more for upcoming birthdays and Christmas for my youngest two. I will post those details as I get them done.

Here are just a few ideas to keep your littles ones busy and happy while the older ones are occupied with school. What do you turn to in your home to keep small hands busy while there is school going on? What are your toddlers or preschoolers’ favorite “quiet”, if there is such a thing, activites?

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