Wordless Wednesday – A Birth Story

Wordless Wednesday – A Birth Story


A truly miraculous event in the life of a family.

wordless wednesday
A new life is born.

And for the first time, I witnessed it with my own eyes.

wordless Wednesday
She was laid on my chest only seconds old and her first smells and sounds were of us together. This was a first for me and truly amazing!


I was blessed beyond words to get o experience much more of Elizabeth’s birth than most C-section momma’s are ever able to. My doctor was amazing and helped me to get the approval for a “family centered” procedure this time. That means that after the prep was done and the doctor was ready to deliver Elizabeth they dropped the drape that was hanging in front of my face so that I could watch her be born. I got to see the whole thing from the “crowning” of her hair to her entry into this world. Then they laid her right on my chest instead of taking her straight to the warmer as they do during most sections. After she was laid on my chest she never left my arms (expect for when the nurse washed her up and wrapped her better as she was cold) for the rest of the morning and afternoon. I really couldn’t be happier with the experience. We are now home and enjoying her first days. I love this snuggly newborn stage and more often than not I am holding her and I refuse to feel bad for it! They are only little for a short time.

One Response to “Wordless Wednesday – A Birth Story”

  1. Amy Matthews

    Well those pictures made me cry. I am so thankful that you got this experience!