Wordless Wednesday – Birthday

Today is another birthday in our house. My oldest son is turning 7 today. His birth was one of stress and worry as he was very sick at birth and the hospital that I delivered at was unable to care for him. So he was transported over 40 miles away to another hospital and I was left to recover from my C-section away from my very sick baby. This Wordless Wednesday post is in celebration of the healing that God has done in his life. From a very sick baby to a very healthy and active little boy, you could never tell his history just by looking at him now. God is so good!!!


Wordless Wednesday
Josiah 2 days old.

And today we celebrate 7 years of milestones with this little boy. He is growing into a fine young man that has a heart to serve God and others. He loves to learn and I can not wait to see what God has in store for him.


Wordless Wednesday
Josiah with his new birthday present.

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