Thankful Thursday

We are finally healthy!!! And in this week’s version of Thankful Thursday, I want to share, in list form if you please, the “jist” of what finally started them on the road to healing. For each of these things I am extremely grateful for and words don’t even come close to describing how much I am relieved to see my children play and eat (even a modified diet) after almost 12 days of pain and suffering.

1. We found an AMAZING naturopath that met me super early last Friday morning before leaving out of town on business. She didn’t want to the children to have to wait in pain all weekend. So, we met at 7:00am and she gave me a wealth of knowledge. After two visits to the pediatrician and one ER visit I was so excited to have a game plan!

2. Started the children on raspberry leaf tea and cucumber water. Only solids those first few days were crackers and dry toast with fruits and cooked veggies.

3. Each child took 2 detox baths each day with Epsom salt, baking soda and sea salt.

4. No dairy. No animal protein.

5. I brewed ginger tea and then soaked rags in the tea and used these warm rags as compresses on their bellies several times a day and especially when they were in pain.

6. Probiotics to heal their tired and hurting intestinal tracks.

7. Intestinal Distress drops 3 times a day to help ease the symptoms.

Thankful Thursday
The “medicine” drops.

8. Sleep. After being up every 20 minutes through the night with them they were exhausted and so was I!! Finally after 2 days of treatment we saw a huge improvement in their sleep and by day 4 they were sleeping through the night.

9. Diet. Their diet is still very bland and very basic. Little to no meat, lots of fruits and veggies. Almost no dairy still and no spice. We are slowly reintroducing foods now but it is very slowly and with great caution. They are worried about the pain coming back just as much as I am. They were miserable.

10. Healing. I can’t begin to tell you how thankful I am for healing. It is so very stressful and exhausting to watch your child in pain for days on end. I mean, they would roll on the floor and yell and cry and moan for hours! They would call my name and ask me to make it better and there was nothing I could do. This was quite the 2 week journey but I have learned one thing, natural medicine does, at times, have more answers than traditional medicine. I have been made a true believer in the power of the ingredients that God made. If we learn to use them, they can “work miracles” and cure our bodies when no other answer can be found.

Thank you again, my dear sisters, for all the prayers during the past few weeks. I did offer updates on my Facebook page (you can follow there on the left hand side bar) and it is a great way to find out what really goes on in my home during the day. Have a great Thursday!! Got a praise this week or something you are thankful for? I would love to rejoice with you. Leave me a comment.

2 Responses to “Thankful Thursday”

  1. What wonderful news – May you are rest and gain back your strength – Have a wonderful day!