Pregnancy Update – Week 33

I can’t believe that in 7 short weeks our 6th Blessing will be here! I have been blessed that overall this has been one of my easiest pregnancies. I have sought the help of a chiropractor for hip pain and that has helped tremendously this last trimester! I am thankful that during this pregnancy my weight gain has been minimal and my cravings almost none existent. In fact I have had more trouble finding stuff too eat than on craving anything. First time ever I can honestly say I am seldom starving! Usually I am hungry the whole second and third trimesters. Here are some pictures that Samantha took for me at the doctor this week. I don’t usually like to take photographs even when I am not pregnant but after it is said and done I love having them to look back on. So, here are “belly” pictures from week 33.

Pregnancy update
At the doctor for a check up.


Pregnancy update
Baby #6 – So blessed.

And thank you to my second daughter Samantha for taking these pictures the other day! I think she did a great job! An aspiring photographer in the ranks!

Baby is measuring right on track and should be just at 4 1/2 pounds now. I am feeling daily kicks and pushes and Braxton Hicks (yuck). The closer it gets the more excited I get but I still can’t wrap my mind around another baby. Does that make sense? I always am nervous about bonding with another baby or knowing that baby as well as others up until the last day. I struggle with the confidence that this will be “my” baby from the first moment our eyes meet. The fears and anxiety are always unwarranted and it is love at first sight but they never stop no matter how many times I carry a blessing. Do you ever wonder or struggle with those types of feelings or am I the only one? This time I am sure it will be even easier to bond with my little girl because we have petitioned the hospital and will be having a family centered C-section and I couldn’t be more excited! I am confident it will be amazing!!

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