5 Weekly Goals Post June 10th, 2013

It is Monday again which means it is time to set those

5 Weekly Goals.

5 goals weekly link up

And starting this week I have a cool new button that you can add to your post and link back here. A fun way to have accountability and see what others are accomplishing. These 5 weekly goals can be big or little, home or work related, inside or outside tasks. The purpose of these goals though is to help us get some of those “extra” tasks that pop up from time to time off of our plates. I encourage you not to focus on laundry or dishes on this list. Rather maybe that phone call you have been putting off, that errand that has needed done for weeks, or the painting project that just seems to never get done. Here are my 5 weekly goals this week and I will be posting updates as I cross things off on my Facebook page so use the button on the left side of the screen and follow the blog page for some fun interaction opportunities this week.

1. Stain Deck gate. This has been on my list for three weeks now but between sickness and rain it still isn’t done. Maybe this week!

2. Vacuum out the vents in the whole house.

3. Work on organizing the basement for 1 hour.

4. Finish planting the garden. I have to buy more plants!

5. Clean the toys in the church nursery and sort out bookshelves and such.

There are my 5 weekly goals for this week. Now I would love to read yours. Grab the code from the box to put the new button in your post and then leave the link to your post here so we can all visit and see each other’s projects. This week I hope to take some “before” and “after” pictures of my projects to share in next week’s post. Have fun linking and leave me a comment if you can’t link up!



Teresa Moore is the winner of the Gymboree gift card! She has been emailed and has 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be choosen.

One Response to “5 Weekly Goals Post June 10th, 2013”

  1. I love this idea. I’m going to think this week of my goals for next week haha. :) And then try to remember to join in!