Family Fun – Archery Class

We are always looking for new and different skills to expose our children to so recently when we learned that a local ministry was offering a free archery class through the Center Shot program we signed up the older 3 children. It has been a great family fun evening for all of us. They are really enjoying themselves and I am so impressed with how they are improving and learning and remembering all of the steps and commands during class. They are in class for about 90 minutes and they shoot half the time and then they are led in Bible study for the other part of the evening. I am again thankful that my children are able to see other adults, and LOTS and LOTS of men, leading children in the class, teaching the Bible study, and giving of themselves to share God’s love with others.

Family Fun
All the bows lined up.

They use a special kind of bow and they are teaching an 11 step shooting process. They also have whistle commands for the children to follow to keep everyone safe and organized. The way that they have kept all of the children engaged and under control is amazing. I have seen no behavior issues during the classes and all of the children stay focused the whole time.

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Samantha shooting
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Josiah shooting

All of the children get a lot of shooting time which I like. There is very little waiting in line for your turn so they are improving quickly.

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They have enough men helping that the children can get one on one help if they need it.

The level of attentiveness is wonderful during class. If a child is struggling or something isn’t working right there is enough men to help them figure it out. They are training the children to have a great shooting habit and to be disciplined archers one day.

family fun
I missed Maggie shooting this week but she is loving archery. I must say I am a little surprised.

Over all this has been a great family fun outing. I enjoy watching the children shoot, the little guys enjoy running around the end of the gym and I get to visit with the other mommas that are there too. It is a great activity for everyone! What is your family’s favorite family fun outing?

One Response to “Family Fun – Archery Class”

  1. Amy Matthews

    I love this! I wish I had known about it before it began. I want to sign the boys up and maybe even Rylin. She likes to pretend she is Susan from The Chronicles of Narnia so maybe she will want to do it too!