Family Fun

Here in the mid-west we have had a bunch of winter weather lately that has given us lots of opportunity for family fun. First up was a sledding session! We had a couple inches of snow and then quite a bit of sleet on top of that. It made for some great sledding. The sleds went fast and far and the children LOVED it!

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This family fun was much needed after being stuck inside with cloudy skies for the last several weeks. And the fact that Daddy went sledding too made it even more fun. This was Jeremiah’s first time sledding and he thought it was just the best thing ever!

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Playing with Dad

Katherine was just thrilled with being outside finally. She loves being outside any time of the year and has been asking me for about three weeks already when will “spring, when I don’t need a coat and long sleeves to play outside be here?”

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Sweet Katherine

After they were done sledding they came inside to warm up and the best way to do that seemed to be with a movie and snuggles with Daddy. These two are Daddy’s little girl and Daddy’s boy, they love it when he is home and are always fighting for his lap and attention.

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Warming up with Daddy and a movie

We finished out the family fun day with a family sleepover in the sunroom. Yes, I pulled my matress into the sunroom so that I didn’t have to sleep on the floor, but we still had lots of fun!

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A Family Sleepover in the Sunroom

What have you done this winter to make great family fun memories? These days of child raising are short and making memories is priceless. It is something you will never regret. Sometimes we need to throw the schedule and routine to the side for a little bit and just do something different. Are you making memories?

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