Calming Chaos – In the “Office”

Now, I don’t have an “office”  to calm the chaos in, but I have paper work to organize and bills to keep up with and lots of paperwork to do with homeschooling as well. So how do I keep it all calm and organized so that it doesn’t cause me a ton of strees?

1. One thing that I use is my “Household Notebook“. It has sections in it for school, things to do for the children, my to do list, a spot for church notes, and even a section for things my husband needs me to attend to. This notebook has a pocket in it for all the bills that come into the house so that I don’t loose them before I can get them paid.

2. I also have a basket that sits in my computer desk that holds envelopes, stamps, addresses, and all those payment booklets that you get for a home or car loan. This way, when I sit down to pay bills I don’t have to stop to hunt for something I am missing. It is a huge time saver.

3. Get a planner! Use one on your phone or the computer or buy a paper one at Walmart, it doesn’t matter but you just need one. As a momma and even more so if you have many ages in the house life is crazy. Don’t rely on your brain to hold everything you need it to. You will forget something and one of the worst mistakes to make is one that costs money. Late charges are just money thrown out the window due to carelessness many times. So, use your calander to remind you when a bill needs to be paid.

Overall I have found that the ticket for maintaining order and calm in the “office” is just a little bit of planning. If everything has a spot and you make sure you ALWAYS put it away as soon as it comes in the mail or is finished being used there won’t be time spent hunting for it. Paying bills, doing paperwork, and even filing papers can be an almost effortless chore if the chaos has been cleared away and you can work in a calm environment.

What bill system do you use to stay organized and get everything paid on time? Do you pay the bills or does your husband?

2 Responses to “Calming Chaos – In the “Office””

  1. Great tips! I also use a notebook. I keep it in my purse instead of at my desk so that I can jot things down on the go and have the info I need if I’m making a call or paying a bill on the go.