Our Adoption

SAM_0359Now, before you get all crazy excited on me we are not adding to our family through adoption. At least not right now, though that would be something that I would love to do one day if God calls us to. But for now, the adoption that I speak of is the adoption of the nursing home “neighborhood” that we did this Christmas season. All through the month of December, while going through our “Seeing Christ in Christmas” series our projects and activities were focused on decorating our neighborhood for Christmas. So, last week we set off early one morning to “shine for Jesus” at the nursing home.


SAM_0364The children had colored pictures and made ornaments and snowmen to decorate the doors of the residents. We also took some shawls that a wonderful lady at our church crochets. It was a great experience for my children. They loved doing it and seeing the elderly people smile at the decorations.



The activities director actually asked us if we woud like to do it for the next holiday as well. And though we usually don’t make a big deal out of Valentine’s Day, my girls are already planning ideas and gathering supplies to make even more decorations for next time. I am so happy with how they responded to this project and feel so blessed that God has opened their tender hearts to those in a different stage of life. I can’t wait for next time!  SAM_0361 SAM_0360

One Response to “Our Adoption”

  1. Rachel Worley

    What a special Christmas tradition that you are doing and the joy you brought to the residents there.