
As I stood by the side of my friend and looked into the casket that held her young daughter, my breath caught in my throat. I just wanted to fall to the floor. It could be any of us. In a moment, life is over. Young. Old. Sick. Healthy. Troubled. Stable. Death comes to all and we don’t know when. I never thought I would be the mom with a baby in the NICU fighting for his life. And then it was me. And then four years later it was me again with my second son. My friend never thought she would be the one burying her child, but today she is.

Life doesn’t seem fair, and we don’t understand it at times. But we must cling to the hope that “His will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.” But today, I must ask you to pray for my friend and those around her as we minister to her in her time of loss.

And please, hug your children tight today, for we are not promised tomorrow with anyone, young or old.

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