In the Hands of a Child GIVEAWAY

 In the Hands of a Child
 My children and I have had te extreme pleasure of using two different products from In the Hands of a Child. We did one lapbook unit and one notebooking unit. We have done several lapbooks as you have seen here before, but this is the first time we have done any notebooking. In the Hands of Child sent me their “George Washington” lapbooking unit and a “Penguin” notebooking one as well. They have units on everything from ancient history to Bible to social studies for every student from preschool through high school! Their homeschool curriculum is a great option for almost every family.
Cover of Our George Washington lapbook
This unit from “In the Hands of a Child” was filled with fun stories, facts, and activities that kept all of my children (grades 1st, 3rd, and 5th) engaged through the entire unit. We learned about his parents, children, other jobs, career in the army, and his educational background! This unit came as a stand alone download. All of the reading material that you needed was in the unit. I did get extra books from the library, used youtube to teach some songs, and watched a video too, but that is mostly because my children were so interested.
This is the inside of our lapbook. Once you download the file it is as simple as cut and paste in place. It is a great way to involve your students who love crafting and creating. But for those that don’t there is plenty of ways for them to help too. They can read aloud the information to the others, they could build a log cabin out of popsicle sticks, or learn to use a compass just like George Washington.
There is some great vocabulary taught in this unit. We used this as our spelling and handwriting (words with definitions) while doing this unit.
And we even incorporated in some art and illustrating too!
The “Penguin” notebooking unit was over the top exciting for my children. It is one of their favorite units so far!
They spent hours and hours pouring over this material. See the “book” that Maggie is reading in the above picture? Well that is all the information that came with this unit. Again, no need to buy anything else. I like to keep with the unit for their silent reading practice too so we headed to the library and filled our book box with lots of penguin books.
I think that my children enjoyed this unit more because it was easier for them to personalize and have their own book. Usually because of me helping with placing pieces and folding books while lapbooking we just make on lapbook as a family. But with notebooking it was fun to watch each child create their own unique notebook. And I am already excited to go back in the years to come to see how their writing, spelling, and sentence structure has changed.
With this unit it stretched my girls to work on their art, learn to find information that they didn’t know (with the above page I was busy and they didn’t know what all the animals looked like, so they figured out to search the internet until they figured it out! I was so pleased they thought that out!) and to start learning how to write reports. And yet they thought it was fun and didn’t even know half of it was school.
They loved watching youtube videos from zoos around the world that house penguins. We watched footage of the rookery and of chicks hatching. We learned how people are hurting the penguins and what “conservation” is all about.

Again this unit came with vocabulary words and we used these for spelling and handwriting during our unit. I loved how we were able to carry this information through many subjects.

Overall we loved our experience with In the Hands of a Child. These units were very proffesionally made and well organized. I highly reccommend them if you are looking to start exploring these modes of learning. And if you are interested in diving into notebooking or lapbooking then here is the part you will love. In the Hands of a Child is giving away one of each of these units! There will be two winners!
Visit In the Hands of a Child – HERE to browse their other units.
Enter below to win. Make sure to leave a comment with your email so that I can reach you if you win. You MUST reply to my email to claim your prize!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

In the Hands of a Child will be having their annual Black Friday Sale in late November and there will be huge savings on their products. Something else to consider is becoming a Super Member. You can find more details about that HERE.


10 Responses to “In the Hands of a Child GIVEAWAY”

  1. Oh my! I haven’t ever tried their units before … so many great ones to choose from. If I were to use any right now it would be those that correlate with our Science topics: Owls, Bats, Penguins, and Eagles. These are also the birds that my daughter are most interested in right now so I can tap into her interests while studying topics from her curriculum (extend and enrich). Thank you for posting this giveaway.
    God bless,
    Tracey M.

  2. I think my daughter would like their “Bats” project pack most of all – she LOVES bats!

    Everything they have looks so nice, though!