Homemade Disinfecting Wipes and a SURPRISE use

You have probably heard about homemade wet wipes I am sure, but have you heard about homemade disinfecting wipes? These wipes are made with alcohol and won’t bleach anything and they aren’t too harsh on skin either. They can be used as sanitizing wipes for hands, carts, counters, and tables.

Use them to wash door knobs and light switches when there is illness in the home.

All you need is a roll of paper towels and some rubbing alcohol and water.

To make my wipes I cut a roll of paper towels in half with my electric knife and then found a container that the half roll would slide into.

Cut the roll in half.

Then I made a mixture of

Homemade Disinfecting Wipes
1 1/2 cups water
1/2 cup rubbing alcohol
2 TBSP Dish Detergent
Once cardboard is soaked remove from center and pull wipes out of center.

And that is it. This mixture cuts through grease because of the dish soap, it disinfects because of the alcohol, and it is super easy to use because of its disposable nature.

And something else that I just discovered over the weekend is that if you leave out the dish soap these make AMAZING face wipes for those greasy moments that us moms have. Grab a cloth and wipe and toss. Easy, fast, and safe for everyone. No more store bought facial cleansers.

This project is linked to IT WORKS FOR ME WEDNESDAY.

2 Responses to “Homemade Disinfecting Wipes and a SURPRISE use”

  1. Thanks for the great idea. I had just bought disinfecting wipes for my son’s dorm room and then spotted this tip. I will try this next time. Boys’ dorm I’m sure will need touch-up cleaning several times throughout the year :)

  2. That’s a great idea to use them as face wipes! I would have never thought of that. There are times when I definitely don’t have time to wash my face so I have to leave greasy feeling. I’m gonna have to make some up!

    I also think you should get a Facebook like button on your posts. Just in case someone wants to let you know they like the post but they don’t have time to comment. :)