Meaningful Monday

It is the begining of a new week and it is full of possibilities. So, what happened last week that had special meaning to me? What are some specific things that I am thankful for that I don’t want to forget? Here is my Meaningful Monday list…….

Samantha showing off her new trick. Swimming under water.
  1. My children are still all healthy.
  2. I was able to be with dear friends during the visitation, funeral, and graveside service of an elderly saint. It encourages me to strive even harder in my walk. Hers was a celebration of a life that left a great impact on many many people. I want the same for my life.
  3. The children and I went to the library. We are such a blessed people that we have such luxuries. And I love the fact that my children love books and love the library. We are almost half way done with our summer reading program!!
  4. We had a Pioneer Party (pics coming soon) with some homeschool friends from church. Even with the electric out and the heat of summer in full swing we had a great time. These are great ladies that are an encouragement to me.
  5. I have a husband that takes his role as leader of my house seriously. When a child is not respectful to me or treats me with dishonor he stands up for me and is truly my “knight in shining armor”.
  6. My oldest daughter is being molded. She is in a tough stage right now, but I really see that she is trying. I’m praying God will touch her heart and keep her moldable and changable for His glory.
  7. We headed out to my parent’s farm on Friday and my sister and new neice went with us. It was a beautiful day and we sat outside, snuggled the baby, chatted and watched the kids swim and explore.
  8. We had a family reunion this weekend at the river. Again it was so nice to see family that I don’t often see. My kids played in the sand, the water, and the sunshine and came home filthy and exhausted.
  9. As we were working around the house this weekend I over heard my husband talking to our oldest son. He was telling him that it is okay to ask for help and that wise men will know when something is too hard or heavy and will ask for help before they hurt themselves. I am so blessed with a father for my children that will take the time to train them and invest in their lives beyond putting food on the table.
  10. After a full week I got rock my baby girl to sleep. While we were watching a movie after church last night she wanted to sit on my lap and before I knew it she was asleep. She might be 3 but she is still my baby girl.
My baby girl holding her new cousin

I hope that you stop and reflect on your week. Make a mental note of things, events, people, and thoughts that were meaningful to you this week. Enjoy your week my friends and don’t forget to enter the giveaway that I posted Friday!!!

One Response to “Meaningful Monday”

  1. Beautiful!!! These things are for you to treasure… each day… my baby girls are 29 & 32… 29 yr old has 2 baby girls, and 32 yr old is 9-10 wks pregnant with her 1st… Each day is given as a gift! Treasures to be recorded! God bless you & yours!!!