Homemade Breakfast Sausage

Do you love BREAKFAST SAUSAGE? Well now you can make your own homemade breakfast sausage! And this recipe is so easy to change and personalize that you can make it to fit your familiy’s tastes.

Sausage crumbles for sausage and egg casserole. This sausage also patties well.

My family loves sausage but the cost of it and the  “junk” in it have often times kept me from buying it.

But the other day I had this novel idea. Since they sell turkey sausage in the prepackaged variety what would stop me from making turkey sausage at home. I have my Grandpa Akridge’s recipe for seasoning sausage that we have used for years when we butcher our pigs. So I knew how to season it. I went to Aldi and bought the 1 pound rolls of ground turkey for a little over $1 and came home to make me some sausage.

Here is the recipe –


Homemade Breakfast Sausage Seasoning

1 lb ground meat

1tsp sage

3/4 tsp salt

3/4 tsp black pepper

1/4 tsp red pepper

Mix all together thoroughly and prepare as desired. You can do this up to 48 hours before you plan to use it to give the spices time to mix. All of the spices can be adjusted to taste for heat and such. But this is great sausage!!


And now I know what is in my sausage and I can afford to make it much more often because it is half the priced of the preseasoned package sausage. Does your family prefer sausage or bacon for their “breakfast” meals?

This post has been linked to “Home to 4 Kiddos” Tuesday Recipe link up. Check out lots of other recipes there.

3 Responses to “Homemade Breakfast Sausage”

  1. This looks SO good! My children would love this with their breakfast (or anytime!) I can’t wait to try it. Thanks so much for sharing with “Try a New Recipe Tuesday!” I hope you will be able to join us again this week. Many blessings, Lisa