Little Boys and Baby Dolls

While not everyone agrees that little boys should play with baby dolls, I can’t think of very many things much cuter than that.

Exhibit A –

And since he and his big sister are two peas in a pod and do everything together, it stands to reason that he would play with baby dolls when he is not busy being the baby doll.

And my husband and I don’t find anything wrong with our boys playing a baby doll. We tend to lean toward the opinion that boys must learn to be fathers as much as girls must learn to be mothers.
And since Jeremiah has a very loving Daddy and loves his daddy more than anyone else in the whole world right now, it doesn’t surprise me that Jeremiah plays with babies so lovingly.
But that is just my humble and unbiased opinion of course!!!
Did you let your boys, or will you let your boys play with doll? 

2 Responses to “Little Boys and Baby Dolls”

  1. my boys have no interest in dolls, but if they did I wouldn’t care if they wanted to play with them.