Christ or Obligation?

When you are home, are you “really” there? When you are teaching your children, folding laundry, or washing dishes is your heart in it? At times I struggle to serve out of love instead of serve out of obligation. My body is going through the motions of my day but my heart is yearning for something different. You know, the whole, “the grass is greener on the other side” mentality. But I truly feel that our children and spouses can feel the difference. They can see it on our faces and tell it in our movements.

Are you day dreaming of a shopping trip, a moment’s peace and quiet, or a week long vacation or are you sending up praises to God for the family He blessed you with and the warm home to tend?

23And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;
24Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ. Colossians 3:23-24
So today, my sister, I want to challenge you to serve in your home as if serving Christ. If you had to feed Him dinner would you wait until 4pm to plan it? If it was His laundry would you leave it wrinkled in a basket? If He was coming home from work would you still be in your pajamas with your hair and home in disarray? This is so hard for me. I am such a perfectionist that at times one area is ok but I let another area go. The house will look nice but I forget to take a few minutes and make myself plesent to the eye for my husband.
Are you serving out of love for Christ and the family that He has blessed you with or has your heart turned it to an obligation? Do you think to yourself if I can just finish these chores than I can get to MY stuff (computer, phone, visiting with friends, crafting, etc)? Stop and pray. Ask God to turn your heart back home and start serving out of your love for Christ and not out of obligation.
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3 Responses to “Christ or Obligation?”

  1. Anonymous

    Well, as I sit here there is a basket of clean laundry sitting there, and I am showered although in old sweats and wet hair in a bun. At least dinner is in the crockpot! I am refreshed hearing this is hard for another mom too. The challenge is on and my husband may faint if I am in “real clothes” I am embarassed to say. 5 kids and homeschool just takes so much time! That’s no excuse, but it does.

  2. Pretty much most of the time I just do it out of obligation. Yesterday I cleaned my laundry room and kitchen out of love and want to make my house organized to make my husband happier and so that I can spend more time with my children. Mainly more time having Madelynn in the kitchen with me. It was amazing how much I got done Monday with that attitude. Most days seem to drag on when I’m doing chores all day. Monday flew by. It’s amazing what can happen when your heart is in the right place. Thanks for this post!