
This week is a crazy busy week for us!!

I am heading up our homeschool groups “End of Summer Picnic” on Thursday. And I am cleaning, cooking, and packing for our “stay”cation next week. While it is a “stay”cation, we are actually “staying” at my mom’s. We are doing this because our on the farm we can have bone fires, sleep out in the tent if it is cool enough, and they have the big pool. We are still hunting down ideas of things to do around the St. Louis area. If you have any suggestions for us please leave me a comment. I would love any help I can get.

But before the picnic and packing begins, my heart is heavy today. You see two of my dearest friends and church members are having biopsies today. Man, that “C” word is scary!! Just the thought of these two mommas walking that road with children so young just takes my breath away. They are burdened today, and will be until Wednesday when the results are supposed to be in, I am sure. Would you lift them up and pray with me? Let’s help out these fellow momma’s by bearing their burden through prayer today please. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

May God bless you dear readers today as you serve Him wherever He has planted you “for such a time as this”.

One Response to “Thoughts.”

  1. It is scary. I’ve been praying for them every time I think about it. Which has been alot. These next few days are going to be long. Even longer for them I’m sure.